I'm Baaaack! : Gravity Lens

I'm Baaaack!

by Jeff Patterson on 08/20/11

I was tooling around South Carolina this past week, seeing family and friends, eating seafood, kite flying, being pounded by brutal waves while boogie-boarding, and otherwise trying to enjoy myself. While down there I learned of the existence of Christian Taekwondo and chocolate wine, both of which I find kinda creepy.

While I was gone, George Dvorsky wrote of the Pernicious De-radicalization of the Radical Future, Doug Messier at Space Review reported on Brazil's planned Spaceport, and friend and coworker Steve Eifert was guest blogging at Tor.com's Noir Week, and posted an excellent list of Five Classic Science Fiction Films Steeped in Noir.

The SF Signal Podcast is on hiatus for a couple weeks while some of the irregulars attend Worldcon.

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