Oh, Look, it's Christmas Again : Gravity Lens

Oh, Look, it's Christmas Again

by Jeff Patterson on 12/23/14

In all the static of dealing with a bevy of personal issues I almost totally forgot that this year marks the twentieth Bad Day Studio Holiday Card. The realization was a little shocking. Fittingly, this year's story is about looking back while moving forward. It's called These Tomorrows. As with last year, there are .mobi and .epub files available for download.

In the meantime I've been commiting further reckless podcastery lately. Fred Kiesche, John Stevens and I achieved some much-needed catching-up by doing two more episodes of The Three Hoarsemen for December. Episode 16 is a discussion of William Hope Hodgson's weird classic House on the Borderland with guest Hoarsewoman Karen Burnham (see Fred's companion piece on his blog). Episode 17 features the man without whom there would be no Hoarsemen, Patrick Hester. We talked about wish lists and comics. Patrick also had me back on the Hugo-winning SF Signal Podcast for the 2014 Gift Giving Guide episode.

With all the stress surrounding unemployment, the death of my mom, and assorted health inconviniences, it would be an easy thing to say 2014 was a bad year. But I won't. A degree of preparation made these things significantly less than traumatic. And when I tally the things that matter to me personally I made out pretty well. I got a lot of reading and writing done, met some great folks at conventions, and sold some illustrations, I still want this year to be over, but mainly because I have so much I want to do in 2015.

That being said, it is, as always, my fervent hope that you have an excellent Christmas.


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